boolean, interpret option as an array, see array()
boolean, interpret option as a boolean flag, see boolean()
value or array of values, limit valid option arguments to a predefined set, see choices()
function, coerce or transform parsed command line values into another value, see coerce()
boolean, interpret option as a path to a JSON config file, see config()
function, provide a custom config parsing function, see config()
string or object, require certain keys not to be set, see conflicts()
boolean, interpret option as a count of boolean flags, see count()
value, set a default value for the option, see default()
string, use this description for the default value in help content, see default()
boolean or string, demand the option be given, with optional error message, see demandOption()
string, the option description for help content, see describe()
string, the option description for help content, see describe()
string, the option description for help content, see describe()
boolean, indicate that this key should not be reset when a command is invoked, see global()
string, when displaying usage instructions place the option under an alternative group heading, see group()
don't display option in help output.
string or object, require certain keys to be set, see implies()
number, specify how many arguments should be consumed for the option, see nargs()
boolean, apply path.normalize() to the option, see normalize()
boolean, interpret option as a number, number()
boolean, require the option be specified with a value, see requiresArg()
boolean, skips validation if the option is present, see skipValidation()
boolean, interpret option as a string, see string()
string or array of strings, alias(es) for the canonical option key, see